Sunday, September 9, 2007

By Chance

So, I've come to the terms that I could never handle a real relationship with Edwardo. And nor could he. But thats okay.

I have been wondering though...every chance meeting with any one has to mean something, right? Every smile, every accidental bump of the shoulder, when you turn and look to smile an apology. It all has to have a meaning, a point in the grand scheme of things. Its God's plan, but wouldn't it be nice sometimes, just to know how it all works together in the end?

I'm feeling rather mellow today. A mellow yellow. I need a new pair of yellow earrings, that don't match anything but my pajamas.

...There is someone out there I may have met, and I wonder if I'll ever meet, but I've spoken to you and I wonder still. I'm waiting. You are waiting. I think we're meant to be, just not for a while yet.

Isn't that the question of soul mates?

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Happy Reading!

Welcome, enjoy yourself, yadda yadda yadda.